Digital Bytes
Digital Bytes by Team Blockchain Radio; Powered By Cyber.FM
Jonny Fry / James Tylee of Digital Bytes by Team Blockchain on Cyber.FM featuring Leon-Gerard Vandenberg, CEO of Sunified

Jonny Fry / James Tylee of Digital Bytes by Team Blockchain on Cyber.FM featuring Leon-Gerard Vandenberg, CEO of Sunified

Welcome to this week's Digital Bytes where we have analysis on the following topics:

Metaverse: a peep into the virtual world - there is no denying that the internet is evolving at an ever-increasing rate, so leading to the development of advanced internet technology and now resulting in the introduction of metaverse. The metaverse is a representation of an immersive 3D virtual world where users can interact with different spaces. Just like the real world, the metaverse allows users to move around different metaverse spaces as their digital avatars. Some of the brightest tech minds and multinational corporations are already trying to figure out how to use the metaverse, so this technology looks here to stay. But how will it impact your business and life?

Cryptos: or should we rename them Digital Assets as cryptos are just one subset - The word ‘cryptocurrency’ covers a wide range of assets that perform in a variety of ways. The best-known crypto is surely Bitcoin but, in time, we are likely to see many, if not all, traditional assets being offered as digital assets i.e., security tokens. These digital assets are set to radically change the way we buy and sell many of the assets we currently trade - physically or electronically.

CBDC and stablecoins: is the wait finally over? - over the last few weeks we have seen announcements from Australia, Japan and the UK regarding CBDC/stablecoin initiatives as well as a report from PwC detailing various launches and updates in other jurisdictions. Whilst concerns remain around privacy and the fact that regulations will need to be updated to accommodate these digital currencies, it appears that momentum is gathering as institutions and governments understand the potential benefits offered by CBDCs and stablecoins.

Solving the ORACLE p­roblem via crypto anchors - the use of Blockchain technology to create crypto anchors means that consumers can have greater assurance as to how the electricity they use is being generated. This is facilitated by putting a digital wrapper around electrons whereby creating a new asset class for investors. Potentially these tokens of electricity can help fund the huge capital requirement the electricity industry faces in order to upgrade the world’s ageing electricity grids which are, themselves, under ever greater pressure as we decarbonise society and rely less on petrochemicals and more on electricity to power our vehicles, homes and workplaces.

Please keep sending in suggestions for other topics for us to review and remember that if you are interested in submitting a thought-provoking/educational article (not an advert) please let us know.

Digital Bytes
Digital Bytes by Team Blockchain Radio; Powered By Cyber.FM
Each week on the Digital Bytes Show, James Tylee, founder Cyber.FM in the USA, talks to Jonny Fry from TeamBlockchain reviewing the latest Digital Bytes. They explore how, where and why Blockchain technology and/or Digital Assets are being used in various industries and jurisdictions globally. Cyber.FM Radio, a product of Distributed Ledger Performance Rights Organization (DLPRO LLC), was established in 2008 and has 4.6 million listeners across 140 countries.