David Buick from LBC asks Jonny Fry who was CEO of a UK based asset management firm for over 20 years, and now writes Digital Bytes each week, focused on how, why, where blockchain and digital assets are being used globally – www.digitalbytes.substack.com
Jonny Fry speaks about Custodiex offering real-time cold storage to protect any digital assets - if you want to become a custodian or want your current custodian to store your customers digital assets in the security possible way - then please drop us a line - www.custodiex.com
Jonny Fry speaks about Custodiex offering real-time cold storage to protect any digital assets - if you want to become a custodian or want your current custodian to store your customers digital assets in the security possible way - then please drop us a line - www.custodiex.com